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Heart Health
There are many types of heart and blood vessel diseases. Over 82 million Americans have one or more of them. Each year more than 813,000 people die from them — that’s over 33 percent of all deaths in the United States! Yet many types of heart disease and stroke can be prevented. Here are some key steps you can take:
- Don’t smoke, and avoid second-hand smoke.
- Lower your blood pressure if it’s high.
- Eat a healthy diet low in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol and salt.
- Be physically active.
- Keep your weight under control.
- Get regular medical check-ups.
- Follow your doctor’s orders for taking medicine.
- Control your blood sugar if you have diabetes.
Healthy Lifestyle
Did you know?
- The average heart beats 100,000 times per day.
- That until about 13 years ago, cardiovascular disease was defined as a man's disease.
- 90% of women have 1 or more risk factors for developing heart disease.
- 21% of Americans use some form of technology to track their health data.
- Your risk for obesity-related diseases increases with the waist measurements of more than 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women.
- Stress can harm your heart and sometimes the symptoms of stress mimic heart disease.
- If you average less than 8 hours of sleep, you could be putting your heart at risk.
- You're never too old to make a change. Research shows making healthy lifestyle changes - even later in life - may stop and actually reverse heart damage.
- Prevention Works as much as 80 to 90 percent of the time, heart disease is preventable if it is diagnosed soon enough.
- Just by taking 2,000 extra daily steps = You will be 10% lower risk for heart disease.